Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Day Seychelles 2016


EASF Day Seychelles





Picture Gallery EASF Day Seychelles 2016



EASF Day Sudan 2015


EASF Day Sudan


EASF Day Sudan Documents:


Picture Gallery EASF Day Sudan 2015



EASF Day Ethiopia 2015


EASF Day Ethiopia


EASF Day Ethiopia Documents:

1.  Full Speech: Minister for Defence of Ethiopia, Mr. Siraj Fegessa


Picture Gallery EASF Day Ethiopia 2015



EASF Day Djibouti 2015



Downloadable Materials for EASF Day Djibouti, 11th October 2015

1. Programme
2. Brochure d'Information


Picture Gallery of EASF Day Djibouti, 2015


Sunday the 19th. Developed & Powered by EASF