Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

EASF Peace Operations Department Takes Off

New Members of ManagementThe recently established Peace Operations Department (POD) has commenced with its operations. The department was established following restructuring of EASF to accomodate the growing needs and to better prepare the organization for possible deployment.

The newly appointed Head of POD, Brig. Albert Kendagor, is the overall incharge. The department is divided into two sections, namely, (1). the Political Section and (2). Information and Liaison. The department is responsible for monitoring, analyzing and reporting on conflicts  in the region, providing advice on participation in Peace Keeping missions and regional cooperation.  

The new management structure has also seen the merging of the Departments of Finance and Administration, now being headed by Mrs. Berish Letebrhan Kahsay.  

Picture Gallery: Handover and Welcoming of New Members of EASF Management

Wednesday the 12th. Developed & Powered by EASF