Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Integrated Mission Planning Course in Progress

Week 17 of the year 2018 saw the Eastern Africa Standby Force launch a two-week Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC) at the EASF Logistics' Base in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The course aims at ensuring that the thirty individuals – one quarter of the annual training requirement in integrated mission planning – are qualified and maintained in the Deployment and Readiness Roster (D&RR) for possible EASF deployments at either Mission or Force Headquarters' level ready and able to execute their duties as may be required of them within the context of EASF's Peace Support Operations. The course boosts the regional peace-keeper's capacity building efforts and contributes to the overall enhancement of the operational effectiveness of EASF.
In order to prepare the participants for multinational and multidimensional missions, the IMPC trainees have been drawn from Civilian, Military and Police Components from all ten Member States of the Standby Force that are qualified to operate as Staff Officers at either Mission or Force Headquarters levels.
The two weeks' IMP course is funded by African Union and will come to a close on Friday 4th May 2018.


   Photo Gallery: Integrated Mission Planning Course in Progress

Tuesday the 11th. Developed & Powered by EASF