Enhancing Peace and Security in the Eastern Africa Region

Military Training of Trainers Course

tot_october2013As part of the preparations for the planned Full Operational Capability (FOC) in 2015, EASF conducted a Training of Trainers Course for Military in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from October 28th to 1st November 2013.


Brig_bakasumbaThe course was officially opened by Brig Gen Jack Bakasumba, the Brigade Commander of EASF who, in his opening statement, stressed the importance of Peace Support Operations Training (PSO) as a key ingredient to preparation for (FOC).  He further expressed his confidence of continued support by EASF Member States towards the peace and security agenda which, he said, will go a long way in shaping the future of the Eastern Africa region.  He also highlighted the importance of standardizing PSO training considering the diverse military background and experience of the ten Member States that comprise the Standby Force.

The Training sought to develop capacity and skills amongst trainers from EASF Member States who will ultimately be involved in training and building capacity within their respective nations and the entire region with a view to supporting the overall objective of attaining FOC by 2015.  Specific topics covered included:

a)    Principles of PSOs;
b)    PSO Planning Process;
c)    Preventive Deployment;
d)    Support to Peace-making and Political negotiations;
e)    Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration;
f)    Gender issues in PSOs; and
g)    PSO Code of Conduct.

A total of forty officers from EASF Member States, the EASF Brigade Headquarters, the Planning Element, Logistics base as well as the Centers of Excellence, participated.


Wednesday the 12th. Developed & Powered by EASF